Wednesday, July 9, 2008

U da man!

The battle to survive is ceaseless for all living beings, of course with the exception of those who have already departed. Then again, maybe the fight for survival resumes again in the afterworld, no one can be sure. Anyway yea, every single one of us are in built with the instinct to survive, even adorable little aquatic pets that have been condemned to life in a four sided tank, and it's certainly not because fishes and fish tanks signed a contract that stipulates 'till death do we part'. Man, and the lives we are willing to sacrifice for selfish reasons.

During the last few days, my three aquatic darlings have contracted a tail rotting disease as a result of my procrastination in not washing the tank frequently enough. At first i stared at their wounds in disbelief, thinking that a cat, bird or monkey could have been the culprit (people never seem to ascribe blame to themselves, but what are fingers for then?), so i separated out the one with the most wounds into a tank with clean filtered water and silently thought about how i should assassinate the culprit. Miraculously, Mr. fish no.1 recovered in a day and was swimming naturally, the only setback was that the tail never quite grew back just yet. Still, i was happy enough. Then as i looked up at the big tank, my heart sank, Mr. Fish no.2 was floating motionlessly on the water. Damn. I tried to perform cpr on him, but his eyes were pearl white and i just knew he was long gone. =( fishes come and go, but memories last forever?

okay Ms. Fish no.3 had the big tank all to herself for two whole days. She seemed satisfied to have things the way they were until...white discharge was all over her luscious body and she swam with a limp. It spelt disaster. I relocated her to another tank of clean water, added a few drops and medication and pinches of salt. Today, she looked well, but like Mr. Fish no.1 , her tail was slightly disfigured. Hopefully, they will pull through this catastrophic period. Still, I salute their will to live and passion to successfully recover. Maybe we all can learn a thing or two from pets too, well just don't wait till your ass starts rotting before scrambling for cure. Preemptive action makes a world of difference, but we never seem to learn, do we?

Pics of my warriors =)

Ms. Fish no.3

Mr. Fish no.1

Little warriors

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